touch every thought with your heart
and u'll see something that was you won in your life

Suddenly i think really want go home to blora's city...
There is nostalgia which upset while remembers my family on the house...
Me...that present at Semarang to look for knowledge, so pine wants to accost my young brothers that now beginning steps out adult...
will I becomes good example for them... so in the future...I won't let down my parrent, exspecially for my mom that is now have restrained from me and my family...
mom... I really miss you...
sometimes this soul so brittle in faces all kind about problem living one come to knock block off.
When be, I aptly yearn your warming cuddle mother...
i realy want to leaning on your lap, ask for you to forgive all of my mistake who was i do for you...It's cause you’r gone without any words that you say for me.
I realy miss you mom...realy miss you...
And...i realy miss you...forever and ever...
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Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
Hanyalah ibu dari kedua adik laki-lakiku Yang mencoba untuk tetap bersyukur, atas segala hal yang telah Tuhan anugerahkan Kepadaku. Dan yang terus berusaha mewujudkan mimpi, membina sebuah keluarga kecil yang hidup dalam kejujuran dan cinta...

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